I have yet to find a complete methodology for translating reality. Can you clarify?
I did not specify which reality I was translating. Perhaps we perceive different realities?
What if I read your blog and have an existential crisis?
First, know that I support you just as you are. When in doubt, breathe in breathe out.
You have so much purpose simply by being alive. If a major crisis occurs, it means you are gifted; a critical thinker and perhaps edging close to a personal evolution. It could also mean you are currently intoxicated and by tomorrow morning, you won’t need to worry about this anymore because you will have forgotten. Either way, you’re heading in a great direction.
Is Santa real?
This is a very controversial question; debated vigorously by third graders everywhere. I believe yes, he is real, but his work hours have always been an anomaly to me and I think he should lay off the cookies.
What if I hate your blog? I’m more of a troll than a reader and I’d love to share my anger with you.
Tough situation – you are welcome to hate my blog! But….why are you reading it? Internet trolls are a fairly new demographic. Before we be trollin’, we be strollin’. If you feel anger, I encourage you to go back to your primitive roots and take a long walk. Imagine back in caveman days when you actually had to walk over to someone else’s cave in order to degrade, troll or criticize them. Then, you had to walk ALL the way back to your cave, not even able to watch for likes or follows, ruminating all by yourself about your comment. If you wanted to reply to it, or add more degrading comments, it will likely mean another life-threatening walk back to the cave, fending off sabre-toothed tigers and Rickets. It must have been really challenging and mentally distressing. Perhaps all the strollin’ decreased the cave-to-cave criticism and people lived a bit more peacefully. Aside from the tigers and such.
Do you think I should take a nap today or get some work done?
The fact that you are reading this question and pondering it indicates you should take a nap. Especially if the previous question applied to you; absolutely take a nap after your stroll.
I want to be a Guest Author on your website. Is that cool?
That’s very cool. All Guest Authors have their posts on the Translate Reality main page (static page) as well as their name/organization and article on the Guest of Authors drop down menu. Send me an email to inquire!
What do you enjoy most about motherhood?
Playing. Play is so important in life and often as adults, we’ve lost the ability, motivation or resources to play. Play structures are daunting. Tag is a cardiovascular risk. Public temper tantrums are not as well received. I love having a way to reconnect to a more playful side. Pretending, dancing, crawling on the floor, laughing at spilled milk – these are wonderful moments. Motherhood is an amazing journey; it is fulfilling, exciting and so much fun when you’re ready for it. I wanted to be a parent for a very long time and now, I am a single mom to a perfectly wild toddler. Every day that I have had my daughter in my life has been better than every other day that she wasn’t.
I really like that statue in the photo at the top of this page; the one on the right side of the dresser. Where can I purchase that cool fixture?
Look closer.
What’s your favourite sport?
Competitive breathing
Can I advertise on your website? Or partner up as an Affiliate?
Yes to both! Send me an email and we can discuss it!
What’s your favourite galaxy?
Andromeda. I just love it. Did you know that one day our galaxy, the Milky Way, and Andromeda will collide into a giant, beautifully destructive, galactic explosion and we will all become one? That’s right. We will be a new cosmic entity and have a new galactic address. We will be prime real estate in this locale of our universe. It will be awesome.
What’s the biggest number in the world?
A googolplex. That’s how many times I rewrote this FAQ page.
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