Greasing a pan or cookie sheet is common practice. A lot of people bake and typically, greasing a pan is a part of that process. I really should preface this with a disclaimer that I am a terrible cook. This Life Hack will work for you, not because I’ve practiced it, but because it’s logical and earth-friendly. Grease a pan. Save the Earth.
Greasing a pan is important because, I’m told, it prevents sticking. Although I do not personally bake unless forced into it by some type of mandatory mother moment (like a bake sale *angry face emoticon*), I know enough about eating yummy dessert to say that baked goods that stick are simply not as tasty. That’s a scientific fact.
Step by Step
- Take required pan or sheet out of cupboard.
- Mix ingredients in a bowl and stop when you get to the ‘add butter’ portion of the recipe.
- If your recipe does not require butter (or an alternative), you can stop here. Have a great day and thank you for reading!
- Butter will be in a large rectangle or stick form; commonly called a ‘stick of butter’. Remove desired amount of butter.
- Remove the wax paper that contained desired amount of butter. This might be a portion (you can rip) or the entire wrapper if you have selected an ideal butter amount for your baking needs. Pro status.
- Take wrapper and use buttered, inner layer to grease pan or cookie sheet. No paper towel or spreading devices needed (commonly called utensils).
- Ensure pan is fully covered with a consistent layer of butter using your whole entire wrapper, or portion, to evenly spread out the stick-prevention substance.
- You can now discard the used paper or save it for future, unknown purposes.
- You will not need to use paper towel and would have inevitably discarded the wax paper. This way, the wax paper is used instead of the paper towel or tissue and that saves the environment. First phase of saving the earth is complete.
- Your pan or sheet will be perfectly, evenly greased. I think an inconsistent or lumpy grease job would be really poor cooking form. Do you want a bad grease job? No. No one wants that.
- You’ll be more likely to cook because you have one less utensil to use (the knife for spreading butter) and over time, that saved utensil will accumulate in numbers. You will have spared yourself washing that utensil every single time you bake! Eventually the cumulative impact of the lack of extra dishes will likely save gallons upon gallons of water. Again, saving earth.
Grease a pan. Save the Earth.
Every cookie, cake or pie is an opportunity to save the earth! One dessert at a time, we will make a difference. Do you have any cooking hacks? Share below!
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