I became a Single Mother by Choice a few years ago and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. One day, I will share the whole journey. Selecting a donor, the five years it took to conceive and the absolute catastrophe that was my pregnancy. The only positive element of my pregnancy was that…
Author: Translate Reality
Zoomcrashers – Keep your Zoom Sessions Safe
Zoom has become the most widely used video conferencing platform in the world. It’s simple, accessible from a computer, tablet or phone and takes one click to enter a meeting with all your day drunk friends. Thanks to the n-CoV-2 pandemic, more people than ever before are zooming in. It is the most affordable and…
Pandemic Partners – You, the Kids, the Work. How to manage the fun.
We are heading into my favourite season; Spring. It’s a time for new life and the reemergence of hibernating animals, such as bears and Canadians. You may find that Spring is a bit different this year because despite the blooming flowers and fresh air, everyone keeps telling you to go home. You’ve probably never been…
Toilet Paper Apocalypse – A Shitty Situation. Here’s how we fix it.
The COVID-19 pandemic continues. We are in a state of uncertainty, fear and hopefully evolution. So many of us cannot believe that this has happened and those of us who anticipated it don’t feel any more comfortable with the situation. As I continue to face the reality of this crisis, I have not lost my…
COVID-19 – Coping like a Superhero
Worry. There is no sense denying it. Our global consciousness right now is set to worry. My meditation teacher reminded us not to fall into fear. To remember our internal tools during this COVID-19 pandemic. Today’s discussion is about just that; internal tools. We’re going to establish how to cope like a superhero during times…
SARS-CoV-2 & COVID-19: Prepare, Plan, Pause
It’s 2020. March. We are mid-pandemic. I feel a sense of urgency, however, I don’t feel a sense of distress. It is urgent that we act. Often in the face of an emergency, we panic. The panic stems from not knowing what to do. In order to use urgency to our benefit (rather than scare…
Turn Signals – Driving with Intention
Turn signals are a source of significant misunderstanding within the driving world. I can’t speak for anywhere outside of North America as I haven’t observed drivers as much. Although, I did spend a total of six weeks in Cairo, Egypt visiting family and they don’t really have rules, per se. They are more like guidelines….