Paying it forward. A Guest Author on Translate Reality. Welcome Ryan! Today’s Guest of Author is the founder of Pay it Forward Winnipeg, Ryan DeLong. Ryan began a movement of contribution and generosity, and was kind enough to share my article on my Granola Bar Practice on his page. His work inspired me. Pay it…
Category: Wellness
Yoga, Breath and Darth Vader
I have studied yoga and meditation for the majority of my adult life. Breathing is a big part of it. Are you breathing? Yeah. I thought I was too. Let’s talk about how to use breath to cope with stress. Yoga can enhance our lives through awareness of breath. Apparently breath goes a lot deeper…
Challenging the deep shame of self-care
When I initially learned about the concept of self-care, I felt very ambivalent about committing to something so staggeringly narcissistic, embarrassing and crazy. Taking care of myself? Just leave. Absolutely ridiculous. Let’s talk about challenging the shame of self-care and why we need to put our own oxygen mask on first. Shame Spiral I was…
That one time a Somersault saved my life
Today I will tell you a story. It is a true story and I have provided some additional, tutorial information for you in case you are interested in saving your own life, using a somersault. The story is about that one time a somersault saved my life. Enjoy! Muscle Memory and Learning to Fall When…
Create your Best Life as an Advanced Talking Ape – Post Pandemic Planning
Who creates the world? Not the planet itself, but the fabric around it that we live in? The tiny space between atmosphere and sea level where our entire definition of life unfolds. Do we, the average and moderately powerful, middle class, Netflix-watching human beings actually create anything or are we victims of every outcome? Be…
You’re doing a Good Job
You are doing a good job. Has anyone told you that during this difficult time? Because it’s true. You are breathing. You are alive. And in some way, I bet your life has changed because of this pandemic. There are a lot of people telling you that you’re not doing a good job. Maybe you’ve…
COVID-19 – Coping like a Superhero
Worry. There is no sense denying it. Our global consciousness right now is set to worry. My meditation teacher reminded us not to fall into fear. To remember our internal tools during this COVID-19 pandemic. Today’s discussion is about just that; internal tools. We’re going to establish how to cope like a superhero during times…