We are living in an era where it is expected that, at any point, you can shorten a sentence by creating an acronym. Said acronym might be popular or it may not; the important element of this expectation is that you figure out what the acronym means RFN. This guide will help you with all the acronyms you will ever need.
Update after a few short years:
These acronyms are now uncool. Ignore this page. Apparently we do not use punctuation anymore, we use characters instead of letters, we add capital letters wherever the heck we FeEL like. Do not trust me. I was cool. I am not uncool. Don’t harm your reputation by listening to some internet fool (that’s me).
Formerly cool abbreviations below.
Short-Hand Abbreviations aren’t Acronyms
Sidebar: this list is not inclusive of short-hand abbreviations such as 2 (me too), U (you), B (be), 4 (for), etc. Example conversation using short-hand:
“R U going 2 C the movie 2nite?”
*thumbs up emoticon*
“B there B4 U. *smiling devil emoticon* L8tr”
*thumbs up emoticon*
That was an entire conversation that contained a vast amount of information.
Common Acronyms
- IMHO – In my humble/honest opinion
- LOL – Laugh out loud. No, it does not mean Love You Lots so please stop believing your teenagers when they tell you that.
- LMAO – Laughing my ass off
- LMFAO – Laughing my fucking ass off. Also the name of a cool band.
- TTYL – Talk to you later
- TLDR – Too long, didn’t read.
- TY – Thank you
- FML – Fuck my life
- SMH – Shaking my head.
- BTW – By the way
- NBD – No big deal
- STFU – Shut the fuck up
- DIY – Do it yourself. Also an evolving concept through platforms such as Pinterest.
- WTF – What the fuck
- NOYB – None of your business. Also can be amplified by NOYFB.
- ROTFL – Rolling on the floor laughing.
- BRB – Be right back
- IDK – I don’t know
- YOLO – You only live once. This is one of my favourites as it gives permission to do anything you want, anytime you want and justify it with these simple four letters.
- TBH – To be honest
- AF – As fuck. Example – “TBH, this Life Hack is cool af!”
- RFN – Right fucking now
- HBU – How about you?
- OMG – Oh my gosh/god/buddha
- OMF – Oh my fuck
- POS – Piece of shit
- AFAIK – As far as I know
- You can text faster and understand text messages from your kids.
- You can swear without actually swearing, if that is a concern to you. NBD.
- Using acronyms instead of full words is very trendy and cool.
- You can write more on social media platforms that have text limitations.
I hope these translations help you become more communicative, efficient, knowledgeable and respected by fifteen year olds everywhere. Online lingo will one day be a full college degree and U will B way ahead! YOLO! TTYL!

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