At the bottom of this page, you will find a list of free, guided meditations that I developed based on feedback from readers, listeners and fellow TR community members. Please feel free to reach out if you have a request for a meditation topic.
You can DOWNLOAD any of these meditations to your device or computer – no need to be on this website to use them (get right outta here!). Please feel free to download – they are yours. Sharing is caring.
You will also find a dropdown menu of meditations, with an explanation and more detailed information on the particular practice. Please visit the full meditation page to understand more about your journey!
What is meditation? How do I do it?
Meditation has so many different definitions, modalities and possibilities. It is the universe. It is you. It is the vessel for your consciousness to express itself. Here you will find meditation and yoga related articles that may be helpful to you.
Healing for COVID-19
Rise up
Meditation for Anxiety
Steady Now
Pranayama Breathing into Gratitude
Children’s Meditation
Bringing Kindness to Suffering
Healthy Sleep
Self Love
Choiceless Awareness
Breathing through Labour
Healing the body
Energy of Love
Awareness of Breath
Thank you for joining the TR Meditation Club! Return anytime! All are welcome!
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